Monday, March 4, 2019

"Be Happy" featuring the 49 and Market "Bold and Beautiful Collection".

Spring is in the air, the flowers are starting to bloom, and it is a Bold and Beautiful day!! The new collection from 49 and Market speaks for itself. Today, I am sharing my first post as a 49 and Market designer. My process was quite simple. I mounted 1 sheet of paper on a 12x12 piece of corrugated cardboard using Mod Podge. Once it dried, I edge distressed the paper by wetting it, pulling it back from the cardboard about an inch or so, and just wrinkled and tore. I tucked some bits of the burlap under the wider tears. I painted the edges and burlap ribbon with a metallic pink paint that coordinated with the paper. I was also inspired by the More Than Words Challenge for March Fantasy and Wings. Inspired by fantasy, I see a world where there is peace living among the beautiful flowers and golden sunshine surrounded and protected by Glass Wing butterflies.

I absolutely fell in love with the laser cuts. They make it so easy to adorn a page with plenty of embellishments. After removing the flowers, I used a ball stylus and foam pad to give the flowers a little bit of dimension. They really popped once they were arranged on the layout. I mounted the laser cut postcard on corrugated cardboard, distressed the edges,  and placed it over the post card image on the paper.

I used the wreath from the Seaside blooms flower collection and tucked it under the mounted postcard for added dimension. Then I layered all of the laser cut floral and leaves embellishments around it. I added Art Stones mixed with gel medium and a bit of texture paste using a stencil on the background then sprayed a bit of Lindys Stamp Gang spray onto the stones.

Because the laser cuts coordinate perfectly with the background paper, the viney leaves just melted into the background.

The look is incredibly seamless and beautiful. Everything flows just beautifully.

And you know those strips attached to the bottom of the paper? Yes, we always cut them off before or after the layout is done and toss them in the trash. Well 49 and Market makes perfect use of these strips. I cut the strip off, then cut the individual phrases off of them, and used BE HAPPY as my title. Genius!! I scattered some beautiful 49 and Market pebbles around the layout to finish it off.

I created a file of butterflies that you can print up on card stock and cut out. I used a thick coat of  clear crackle on them, and only attached the body to the layout letting the wings flap in the breeze. If you cut out the antennae, use a black sharpie to color. The ones I used on my layout were printed on a 5x7 white cardstock.

Thank you for coming by to sneak a peak this week!! 

Products used:


And this is also for the More Than Words challenge for March.
Fantasy and Wings...
What a beautiful theme to scrap!! 


  1. It's GREAT to see you creating again Lisa! Fabulously gorgeous layout! I can tell you had a wonderful time creating it!

    1. Thank you Lisa! It feels so good!! Like I never left.

  2. Really beautiful - and what a fabulous new range from "49'ers! So happy to see you crafting again!

    1. Thank you Bev. 49 and Market has gorgeous stuff!!

  3. Gorgeous...every last detail! It's so wonderful to see your beautiful artwork again. The papers are lovely and your flowers are amazing, as always! Thanks for the butterflies!!

  4. beautiful love the colors the flowers everything.

  5. So glad to see your gorgeous works again, this is breathtaking!!!!

  6. Hi Lisa, AMAZING layout, love how the flowers fall on the picture, gorgeous details. Quick note, in order to qualify for MTW, you need to add the challenge board to your blog post. There is still plenty of time to adjust your post, I would hate for you not to qualify for such small detail. Thanks for playing along, love your work. Best, France

    1. Thank you France!! I have now posted the challenge board with a link tp MTW to my blog!!

  7. So very beautiful! Those butterfly cut-outs are gorgeous! Thank you so much for playing along with us at More Than Words!

  8. Gorgeous.. Thank you for joining us at MTW challenge!!

  9. You have made an amazing page Lisa! Love your work so much dear! Thank you for joining us at More Than Words!


Love hearing your beautiful words!!!!